Rotator- Application Instructions

Rotator de-rotation straps are designed for pediatric patients with internal or external foot rotation that impairs gait. They are not recommended for patients with fixed rotational deformities. Rotators are made with a latex-free material that combines comfort with the compressive elasticity needed to control rotation. Rotators can be worn next to the skin or overtop of clothing.

1. Fasten the waistband around the patient using the provided, double-sided hook pads and cut off any excess material.

2. Attach rotator straps to shoes by using the included D-rings. Attach as close to the toe as possible.

3. Wrap the rotator straps around the legs to achieve the desired correction (fig. A & B). Tension and number of wraps can be varied based on patient needs. (2 wraps above and below the knee are common).

4. Secure the rotator straps to the waistband using the provided double-sided hook pads and cut off any excess strap.
